Sunday, November 17, 2013

Collaboration Canvas

         I decided to remix my major, English, with a Social Studies unit. The original Social Studies unit focused on the changing ideologies of race and culture. Creating a Remix canvas was a difficult task because the widgets were not cooperating.
       In order to recognize change, it is essential to understand how different races and cultures were treated years ago and how they are treated today. For this particular unit, I wanted my students to focus on the Holocaust; therefore, they will read Karen Levine's Hana's suitcase. I am aware that this novel only covers the Holocaust; however, I am assuming that other cultures will be covered in following units. After reading, analyzing, and discussing Levine's novel and videos, students will compose an essay where they compare and contrast how ideologies have changed over time, relating to researched statistics, articles, videos, and the novel.
        I kept the all of the pictures, the video, and most of the additional resources. I decided to remove the "Sit-in movement" resource, because I wanted to focus more on the Holocaust. That is why I added a link to an introduction on the Holocaust and a website about Hana's life. I added a summary and a trailer to the documentary which is based on the novel. Also, I removed the "What are demographic factors?" resource, because I thought it was too vague. I added a clip of people expressing how they feel about being discriminated and their opinions on whether or not they have seen change.

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