Friday, September 27, 2013

Technology and My Content Area

            In elementary school, my assignments were all completed by pen and paper due to the lack of technology in the classrooms. There was a small computer lab on the first floor which was equipped with no more than thirty bulky computers. There were approximately three computers in most classrooms, but several of them did not function. The computers in the classrooms were hardly ever touched because it was impossible to have a class of approximately twenty-five students hovered over one computer screen. My high school, however, had twenty-four computers in each classroom. There was also a spacious media center and library filled with computers. Several of my assignments were posted on the school Eboard and required to be typed. 
            This week my younger brother, who is a freshman in the same high school, introduced me to a new method of communicating and collaborating on an assignment without being face-to-face with other people. He introduced me to the website, Through this website, you are able to create a file among you and a group of friends. Whenever something is written in the file, everyone in the group has access to it as it is being typed. Each member is able to alter the file, including what other members have written. The file can be altered without everyone in the group being logged in at the same time. However, when more than one person is logged in, on the top right corner, there is an option for creating a live group chat by clicking “Chat”. The chat box will appear on the bottom right corner, as it would on Facebook.        
            Since I attended a magnet school, my classmates consisted of students from all throughout the city, many of them who lived several miles away from the school. Working in groups and meeting up outside of school was a constant struggle. For this reason, I would like to use this website, or one similar to it, in my classroom.
            As a future English teacher, I find this website to be an excellent way for students to collaborate on a project or essay from home. Students are able to communicate with one another through the live group chat and see each other’s edits. The document resembles a Microsoft Word document. The tool bars are fairly similar; therefore, students should not have a difficult time working with the program. 
            This program can also be used for teachers; teachers can create a folder where students electronically submit their work. This file is referred to as the “turn-in folder”. If granted permission by the student, the teacher can comment and edit the assignment that the student submitted.
            An excellent homework assignment would be peer-editing essays. Students could upload their essays, and then grant access to a peer to comment and edit. Students could also use the chat box to clarify any confusion and discuss the changes that could be made. As a teacher, I would have the students submit their peer editing documents to me. This would be an efficient way of going paperless.
            Interested in creating your very own page or using it in your classroom? Great!
            This website is fairly easy to access and use through a Google account. (Since you already have an account set up for this blog, why not give it a shot?) Once you have logged into, simply click “Create” to initiate a new session. You then have the option of creating a document, presentation, spreadsheet, etc, depending on your preference. Once you have created your file, simply copy and paste the URL link and send it to your friends; once they click on the link, they will have access to your file!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Technology Autobiography

1. iPhone
            Growing up, my parents never provided me with the luxury of having the latest electronic devices. In fact, I did not have a cell phone until my freshman year of high school. The only reason I received one was because my school was 2.5 miles away from home and I rode two buses each way. The cell phone, which was restricted to only calls, was to be used for emergencies. It was not until my freshman year of college that I purchased my own iPhone with unlimited text, data, and calling. Now that I have my iPhone, I find it hard to believe that there was even life before it.
            As an English major, I am constantly craving to learn new words. The dictionary application on my phone provides me with a “word of the day,” which helps me expand my vocabulary. This application is only a finger touch away from telling me both the definition and pronunciation of any word. My phone is an excellent form of communication through text messages, phone calls, emails, or social media. Not only can I communicate with my family all over the world, but I can also see them through FaceTime.
            I use my GPS, weather, and alarm clock applications on a daily basis. The GPS application not only helps me successfully reach new destinations, but it also informs me which roads are backed up due to construction or accidents; it provides me with alternate routes, always indicating if tolls are required. It is for these reasons that I can relate with the girl in the video who claims that her phone is like her “third hand”; it goes everywhere she goes, even if she doesn't have a purse. Even though my phone comes in handy for several aspects of my life, it also affects me because my phone is a huge distraction while I am doing homework or while I am at work. Even though I do not text and drive, I know several people who do, which not only puts the driver in danger, but everyone else on the road.

2. Laptop

            Growing up, I did not always have a computer to talk with my friends or to play games. I remember my parents buying me my first computer when I was twelve, but it wasn't until the end of my eighth grade year that I got internet; I had to convince my parents that my teachers assigned homework that required it. In high school, I purchased my own laptop. My laptop has substituted several of my hobbies because I am able to accomplish many things with one portable device. It is extremely easy to access books, articles, journals, and news reports online.
            One of my favorite websites is YouTube because of the large variety of videos it contains. My favorite videos are the step-by-step tutorials that teach you anything you want to learn. I also enjoy listening to music and watching people’s remixes to songs; the different twists on songs provide a new meaning and vibe. Even though my laptop allows me to access several websites with just one click, it also has its flaws. For example, social media websites such as Myspace and Facebook are dangerous because anything that is posted can be used against you, even if you do not have wrong intentions. As an educator, I know that it is crucial that I maintain a professional profile because I do not want a single post or picture to interfere with my future. However, I agree with the young man in the video who claims that Myspace is “an extension of being who I am as a person.” Through social media, I can create a page of my liking. Using a computer can also be dangerous if one does not fully protect it with antiviruses. Private information can be accessed. Also, it is extremely easy to fall into the trap of a "fake" page.
            In the video, one girl claims, “I make anything that would have been ordinary, extraordinary with my macbook ” Unfortunately, I am not skilled in using different websites and programs. I also cannot make music, but this does not mean that there isn't room for improvement. All the information and assistance I need to learn is just a click away!

3. Television
            Before purchasing an iPhone and a laptop, I was literally glued to the television set in my living room. Watching television as a child benefited me because I was a non-English speaking child. My parents spoke Portuguese at home, and shows like Barney, Sesame Street, and Arthur helped me learn the English language. Today, I still find my television to be a great source of not only entertainment, but of education. I personally enjoy the Discovery channel and cooking channels. Watching the news, keeps me updated on what is going on in the world. Also, I watch several Portuguese and Spanish soap operas, which help me master both languages. Of course, I am aware that I spend too many hours in front of the television watching reality shows, instead of doing homework. By the time my shows are over, I am too tired to do homework, yet I force myself to get it done. Consequently, the following day I am fatigue due to lack of sleep.
            As stated in the video, technology definitely gets people to “think in a different way.” With the tremendous growth in technology over the past few years, there is absolute no reason why people do not have enough resources to educate themselves. Of course, they also have to be aware of the harm and downfalls of technology.